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Contemporary World

Page history last edited by Erik Tully 4 years, 5 months ago

Contemporary World / Financial Literacy






The Contemporary World course examines our society through the lenses of the social sciences including history, economics, geography and political science. Students will analyze different problems and issues that affect our world and will grasp its complexities. Students will also participate as responsible citizens in social debate. The content of the course is split into three themes: , Population, Wealth and Tensions and Conflict.


Using quotes and citing sources:


MLA style guide


Class notes:






Political Spectrum Note Sheet


Government Types


Principles of Democracy


Trends in migration


Financial Literacy:










Optional Work





Work of week of May 11th



Financial Options (source: MEES)



Work of week of May 4th



Environmental impacts of the coronavirus (source: MEES)



Work of week of April 27th



Is it time to reopen the economy? (source: MEES)



Work of week of April 20th



Protecting your identity - Information Guide


Protecting your identity - Activity




Work of week of April 13th



Buying a car Info Guide 


Buying a Car Activity Sheet







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